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boost gauge

Started by boyzey, March 01, 2010, 06:52:28 PM

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dont no if im in right topic hear sorry  :)

but yes i have just fitted my oil pressure gauge and boost gauge, oil pressure gauge works fine no problems, just my boost gauge it works and gives me a top reading of 0.7 bar at top revs wich is something like, on standard pulley its just the needle bounces around over bumps is this right does any body have this trouble, oil gauge dosent move perfect,

there both stack gauges by the way :)


It could be a faulty gauge, it sounds like the needle damper isn't working.


ye i wonderd that because yes my suspension is quit hard yes but oil pressure needle sits fine, just thought id ask around and see wat people say thnx for that ye


I have had just had my stack boost gauge arrive today. Once it is fitted i will see what mine is like.


Where did you put the piping? Im guessing its mechanical?

Haynes wrote in the manual a guide on how to install i boost gauge but called it something like " boost pressure check/measuring"

I will write excactly what it says in the manual.

1, The G-Charger develops its maxium pressure at full load and so cannot be tested with the vechile stationary.
It is recommended that the boost pressure is measured by a VW dealer (and get ripped off) using a rolling road.
However if this is not possible the measurment may be made as follows.

2, Connect a vacuum hose T-Piece in line with the vacuum supply to the fuel pressure regulator.
Route a length of vacuum hose from the T-Piece to a pressure gauge in the cabin.
Close the bonnet, ensuring that the vacuum hose is not trapped.
Enlist the help of an assistant to hold the gauge and read off the measurments from the passenger seat.

3, Drive the vehicle on a strip of private road (not the public highway) at full throttle in 2nd gear whilst simultaneously depressing the foot brake to maintain an engine speed of 4000RPM.
Have your assistant record the maximum boost pressure indicated.
Caution! Do not maintain these driving conditions for more than 10 seconds

4, Compare the measurement with that listed in the Specifications.
If the boost pressure is low, check tension of the drivebelts and make sure that there are no leaks or blockages in the inlet system, before condemning the G-charger.

Hope this helps.

I will stick this in the FAQ section too.


ye mate i piped mine through a t pice from the fuel pressure regulator vacume,

but yes if you could let me no how yours runs i would apriciate that thanx


Mine is fitted now and it runs at idle -19 and on boost it reads 4 psi. I have got a gt inlet manifold which will decrease the psi.

What is the standard pressure on a charger with no mods?


should be more like 7 psi on full boost but bear in mind that the boost will increase with RPM.  You'll see "full" boost at about 6000rpm full throttle in 3rd or 4th gear (or 5th if you want to try it that fast!)


Ok will try it on the way home tonight. I gave it a check over on the pipes and 2 clips were loose by 3-4 full turn. That might of been the problem.


Well its running at 5 psi after tighten up some jubliee clips. I think the hoses are shagged. Getting silicone hoses in a few weeks.

Would the GT inlet lower the boost alot? I know it will a little.


boyzey my boost gauge sits still all the time unless i hit a bump, which is everywhere with these roads in uk.


orite jezza cheers mate, but yes mine sounds a faulty one then   :(. on tick over mine bounces about and gets worse as i hit bumps i am waiting for a e mail back off stack, but thanx for the reply,

did you say you wer fiting a oil pressure gauge too


Yeah fitting that when my t-piece turns up. Also fitting oil temp and air/fuel ratio.


orite nice one lol, u got bit carried away whilst ordering ey haha, wer are you guna take your oil feed from for the pressure gauge, i took mine from the oil pressure switch under the boost return pipe with the charger feed, but on anuther post sum one mentioned to take it from sumwer els, do you no any mor than me as mine is wrking fine just want to double check


Yo dude. Where you took yours from should be ok but there is an oil pressure switch just to the right of that one. Got a blue wire coming out of it. That is where i have put mine to. Got a question though, when you started did oil go up the tubing to the gauge?

And what pressure is yours running at?

Mine is about 15psi at idle and 80psi when full acceleration.