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boost gauge

Started by boyzey, March 01, 2010, 06:52:28 PM

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orite mate ye i wasnt sure wat that one did haha so ye might move mine over then as thers no allot of room because of boost return pipe haha thanx for that,

and ye on start up from cold the gauge goes way over to like 7 bar until the oil warms up and i am gessing it bleeds its self up in that time aswell haha,

and i am not too sure wat mine reeds at tickover think its around 2 bar but i will confirm that for ya wen i am next out ye


Ok mate.

Did you get oil going up the nylon tubing into the back of the gauge?


ye man and wen u turn engine of it runs back. going to change mine over at weekend thers mor room wer you got yours from thanx for that


ye mate at idle wen warm my oil pressure is 1 bar if that help ul av 2 convert it im no maths geek haha


14.5 psi that is which is what mine sits at too once warm. Cheers for the info.



If you need anymore help or if you can help me just post here.

Already with one. What did you wire your gauge to for the illumination?

I used the earthing point behind glovebox/dash but no live yet.


ye my gauges are in were the cd player would be sp have used the ilumination live for the cd player wich was grey and white i think, it ses in manual, and obviusly earth for cd player lol worked a treat for me, but most use the live for the sig lighter light i think mate,

wer your gauges going then buddy


Yeah im putting them there to, forgot about using the cd player for power. I think i will use that not. Did you put a fuse inline?


Done that now, used ilumination line but mine was orange but it lead to another colour. Someone before me has mucked around with the wiring.


orite nice lol so long as it works ey haha, my boost gauge ad to be sent back because of the needle and havent herd anything yet so ive got a hole at the moooo :(