Help please G40 still won't start :(

Started by langersG40, February 15, 2014, 02:01:31 PM

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What Pete said. I didn't explain it very clearly last night.


Quote from: PeteG40 on February 26, 2014, 12:37:26 PM
Right the dizzy dowel was in that place.

But when u refitted the dizzy,  where did the rotor arm point?

The rotor arm was pointing toward the front off the car at the 9 0 clock position, so I put HT lead 1 at that point then did 342 anti clock wise still nothing :( this is really bugging me now


if the dizzy has been off - maybe tweek it back/forward and try?


Cheers Pete yeah done that I've checked all the earths I could see I.e gearbox, bonnet etcpulled all the connections off and spray electrical connection cleaner on them all including ecu main connection and still nothing I'm completely puzzled now any advise on this as I'm stumped I have fuel to the rail here the pumps operating the hall sender works I have a spark this car should run, could it be ecu related?? Is it worth sticking the standard chip back in ?? Is there any thing I've missed??

It's just so strange that it was running ok I used a jump pack to fire it up but 2 miles down the road it just cuts out without no warning, no misfiring, no hesitation if was running fine!!!

Thanks for you help guys it's much appreciated


When you say you're getting a spark, where are you checking it? From a plug lead or coil lead? If you're just checking at the coil, the carbon brush or tensioning spring in the dizzy cap could be fubar. Long shot but hopefully...


sticking a plug in the HT lead putting it to earth :/ thanks tho mate


You say you've checked the cam timing?

Have you tried swinging the dizzy whilst cranking with the bolts out of the ears on the dizzy housing.

The first time I set the cam timing on a g40 it was out by a tooth on the cambelt. A friend swung the dizzy with the bolts out whilst I cranked it over, it fired up with the dizzy way out on adjustment, to the point the bolts wouldn't fit. So if it's jumped a tooth it'll still turn over but the spark could be way out.

Just thinking if it jumped a tooth this could be the scenario.

Long shot I know.

Have you checked ignition timing with a strobe light?


mate im up for giving anything ago will try that tomorrow, but the only thing id say is it was running stop on before I think its more electrical then mechanical failure thanks for all the info and advise fella it really is much appricated


You getting air in? nothing blocking any intake pipes (very long shot though)
throttle connected properly?


Thanks joe yep all fine in the area. Does anybody know which timing marks are correct I have it on the z not on the zero!!!!! It's always run on it ever since I rebuilt it should it be on the zero and that what auto data says ???


Do you have compression in the cylinders? If put in gear and pushed or spun with a wrench from the crank does the engine give you a fair amount of resistance?



Should be on 0 for cam timing mark. In reality though it is slightly off this. Z is 5 degrees BTDC for setting ignition timing in service mode. Afaik.


right took the ecu home last night and pulled the SNS chip out, put the standard one back in!!! plugged the ecu in turn the ignition on and all sorts of relays and switches were clicking :( and I think injectors were firing too :( is the ecu shafted??
