PPP Chip car wont start

Started by N1CKY, March 23, 2012, 03:05:33 PM

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How did the dyno operator adjust the fuelling? Are you setting the ignition timing with the blue temp sender removed? The PPP chip is designed for stock ignition timing, not timing that's been swung around to suit another chip.

Send me both the binaries, but it's really sounding like a setup issue rather than anything else. Did you check the CO pot value?


The stock timing was set, thats what I was saying. The other chip wasn't happy on stock timing. Your chip has always been run on stock timing (timing set with blue temp sensor unplugged) will email them tommorow. Far too tired to boot my pc now, and the CO pot was around 600ohms can't remember the exact figure but it wasn't far off 550


So, just to summarise you've checked the following?
- WOT and idle switches operate okay
- CO pot is circa 550ohms
- Ignition timing correctly set to 6° with blue temp sender unplugged
- Standard fuel pressure regulator now fitted?
- Battery voltage at terminals whilst idling?
- Picture of cam?

And can you elaborate on "it wasn't working good at all" please? What did the AFR do when you applied the throttle? Did it idle smoothly? Did you try it full-throttle?


Cant remember exactly, But around 13.7v i think
Havent had time

As i explained earlier, I couldnt measure AFR because the car wasnt running well enough to put on the rollers with your chip. And it was lumpy, Throttle response was shocking, It was just wanting to bog out and die, It idled okayish but it deffo wasnt right. And never held it on full throttle.

Ill email you the 3 files the dyno guy gave me, I cant make much sense of them.


What's immediately obvious to me, is that the S-tech chip is very similar to a standard G40 chip – there are barely any differences. The main fuel and ignition maps are hardly touched – see the pictures below for reference. Black is S-tech, green is standard chip.

The fuelling is slightly increased at higher boost levels, but only a touch, and the ignition timing has only been slightly massaged too. This is probably why you had to advance the base timing to get it running well on the S-tech chip, as the turbo'd motors generally take more advance to get a decent response.
The main difference to the stock chip is it has a 7000rpm rev limit instead of 6600rpm, and that the full-throttle fuelling correction has been increased to maximum from 3000-5000rpm. Is this S-tech chip designed for a turbo with 250cc injectors or something else?

The fuelling numbers in our G40007 chip are generally much lower (around 15% lower), as it is intended for 250cc/min injectors at 15psi boost. The ignition timing in G40007 is also much more aggressive. This is why your dyno guy will've mentioned there being such a difference in the maps.

You're using a 192cc/min injector (S-tech) chip with apparently good results on a car with 250cc/min injectors. This leads me to the conclusion that either your injectors aren't flowing 250cc/min; there's an issue with fuel rail pressure; or that your setup has a huge appetite for fuel – even on idle and partial throttle.

Next steps would be to check fuel rail pressure (should be 40-45psi gauge pressure at idle, and 60psi at 15psi/1 bar of boost) and double-check that the injectors are 250cc items. Last of all, I would also remove the rocker cover and dizzy to photograph the camshaft for identifying markings. If it's hugely different to the 'turbo' spec cams then that could possibly account for why your motor wants so much fuel.

Worth checking too that your throttle body has the white connector plugged into it, and that the CO pot has a black connector with a large rubber boot and blue; blue/white and blue/brown wires going to it.



What's the compression ratio of this motor?

Here's my thinking, bear with me...
If it's still stock compression and the g0007 chip hasn't been customised to the lower compression (g0007 designed for ~9.3:1 of a 1341?) then this would be the issue?
On the g0007 it would be underfueling should it still be std compression.

On the 192cc S-tech map I'm sure it will idle nicely (slight difference between the two injectors at low duty?) with the extra fuel provided by the 255cc injectors and probably drive nicely too if the stock lambda sensor has a say in it, until you hit boost that is.


It's being run on stock injectors with the S-tech chip, which changes things a bit!

I've run G40007 on several cars with 1272cc 8:1 CR and 1341cc 9:1 CR without issue, as it's pretty generic - the lambda will have to work harder on some setups than others.

So, whenever the 250cc injectors and G40007 are fitted it runs badly. Injectors are secondhand from eBay, so ideally need checking out too. Turns out they're quad pintles, which we know fuel very differently to single pintles - especially at low duty cycles. I suspect (as we found on your car Chris!) that this isn't helping the fuelling at idle.

Last puzzle is what camshaft's fitted, as it doesn't seem to have any of the common identifying markings to suggest it's one of the conventional 'turbo' cams, only a 'G40' marking. Should it turn out to be a supercharged camshaft then that might explain why a stockish map works okay.


Quote from: Andy on April 02, 2012, 06:45:15 AM
It's being run on stock injectors with the S-tech chip, which changes things a bit!
Fair enough!

Quote from: Andy on April 02, 2012, 06:45:15 AM
Turns out they're quad pintles, which we know fuel very differently to single pintles - especially at low duty cycles. I suspect (as we found on your car Chris!) that this isn't helping the fuelling at idle.
I think there's more to it than simply quad or single pintles - the actual spray pattern produced. I've a set of 255cc G60 injectors, 0280150905 in front of me and they are also quad pintle. It would be interesting to compare these on a test bench with the Ford-type injectors I had, as I remember Yoof saying the Fords had an excellent pattern and atomisation (which perversely caused the problems!).
With all the variation in injectors out there and little information about each of their spray patterns, it might be prudent to list part numbers of injectors tested with your chips in the application specs to ensure punters get suitable injectors and save both parties the time consuming troubleshooting such as this. I mean this as a friendly suggestion only, it's by no means a slight on your services, products or they way you conduct your business - just to make it clear as it's easy for anyone to mis-read this comment.

Quote from: Andy on April 02, 2012, 06:45:15 AM
Last puzzle is what camshaft's fitted, as it doesn't seem to have any of the common identifying markings to suggest it's one of the conventional 'turbo' cams, only a 'G40' marking. Should it turn out to be a supercharged camshaft then that might explain why a stockish map works okay.
Be genuinely interesting to find out!


Quote from: cheys03 on April 02, 2012, 11:05:33 AM
I think there's more to it than simply quad or single pintles - the actual spray pattern produced. I've a set of 255cc G60 injectors, 0280150905 in front of me and they are also quad pintle. It would be interesting to compare these on a test bench with the Ford-type injectors I had, as I remember Yoof saying the Fords had an excellent pattern and atomisation (which perversely caused the problems!).
With all the variation in injectors out there and little information about each of their spray patterns, it might be prudent to list part numbers of injectors tested with your chips in the application specs to ensure punters get suitable injectors and save both parties the time consuming troubleshooting such as this.
Yep, it's the spray pattern that's critical - but generally quad pintle and newer is a good indication that it's one to avoid.

A list of suitable injectors is a good idea. At the moment as far as 250cc items go I can only add G60 items to that list, as that's all I've run on my own car or mapped cars with them on. Any other injectors would be based on info from third parties, and as I can't be confident in the reliability of that data I'd be reluctant to publish it as 'approved' info.

In this instance the quad pintle arrangement might be fine, but unfortunately as the injectors were bought secondhand the owner has no way of knowing about spray pattery or functionality for sure. Two new parts are fitted to the car that breaks it: chip and injectors - so really we need to prove which of those parts are at fault here!

For anyone ordering generic chips, it's essential to ensure that a full spec list is given; and that any generic chip is only as good as the information supplied. In this case we have a car I was told had a 'turbo' cam - which it sounds like it might not have.

The owner was also made aware at time of purchase that the chip was for a K03, not the Volvo T5 turbo being used, so that the spec match wasn't perfect. Combine this with an unknown camshaft and you can see where the problems arise, especially if there are additional noise factors like dyno operator tinkering; untested secondhand injectors; adjustable FPRs; injector swapping; and ignition timing alterations going on. In these cases there's nothing like having the car in front of you - as we found out when mapping yours!


Quote from: Andy on April 02, 2012, 12:55:41 PM
and that any generic chip is only as good as the information supplied.

In these cases there's nothing like having the car in front of you - as we found out when mapping yours!

Agree with both these points 100%!


As i said via Email, The s-tech chip runs fine with the 250's in (Rich obviously) but nothing like when your chip is installed.

You had the engine info, And the only thing i see different was the turbo, which will only effect fueling etc on boost ? It would barely idle never mind boost.

You also knew the situation with the camshaft, I told you i didnt know what cam it was, It isnt marked. I can only relay information that was told to me, As i said via email, Im not in a financial situation to change the camshaft at the moment, Especialy just to rule it out as a factor of why a chip wont work.

And Dyno operator tinkering ? He didnt touch the map at all, All he done was run the car on the rollers, check ignition timing and ajust AFR. The FPR was removed, ignition timing was at stock. You making it sound like your in this holy light and im a little elf who doesnt have a clue, Granted i know less than yourself, but no need to dumb people down to the rest of the forum to make yourself look superior. I understand you have a reputation to keep, having a buisness and all, but theres no need?

Also, As stated you didnt specify that it needed specific 250cc injectors ? Why only bring this up now ?

I will be at the garage tomorow after work, Ill grab a few photos of the camshaft.


I'm not trying to dumb anything down Nicky. But you've hardly been consistent in your replies or forthcoming with information. It took countless questions to find out about the adjustable FPR, we've still not established how the dyno operator is adjusting the fuelling despite asking several times, and only yesterday found out that you'd been swapping injectors and the chip around which has a big effect on the analysis of what's going on!

You told me that your camshaft was a 'Turbo specific cam' at the time of your order. The detail about not really knowing at all what it is came out later - I can forward you the email you sent if you like for reference?

I'm not suggesting the dyno operator altered the chip (he'll struggle, as it's a write-once EPROM...), but you've said that he's been 'adjusting fuelling'. Is that not altering the setup of the car if he's not altering EPROM data to do it?!

Feel free to post me the chip back for a refund, it's easier for all involved.


Hello, sorry for the late reply. Car started burning serious amounts of oil, So iv whipped it back out and fully rebuilding the engine, Using mostly VAG parts. Apparantly 3 sets of piston rings left in the UK checked interdealer as not available from vag themselves. So i orderd them and a door handle arrived... -_-. Anyway got all the parts i need now so will be building the engine up in a few hours. Andy if you want to drop me a PM ill get the chip posted back to you asap. As you can imagine iv been rather busy this past few weeks. Ill drop some pics in my progress thread soon.

Thanks for being patient.