PPP Chip car wont start

Started by N1CKY, March 23, 2012, 03:05:33 PM

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Just received my PPP Chip in the post and put it in and my car wont start, Havent had a in depth look yet but when i put the old chip in the car fires up no bother at all. Any ideas ? Only thing i can think of is timing ? Do i need to ajust the timing to accommodate the new chip ?



you got it in the right way?  try it 180degrees round (notches on the chip and on the ecu socket should line up)


Yeh its in the right way, that would of been a blonde moment  ::) Any more ideas ? It runs lupy as hell on half throttle. Saying to me its a timing issue. But it runs sweet with the old chip. And i dont have a DTI guage, And it has a CL pulley on  :'(


well thats some advance on the first post of it not starting.

its definately specced for the right injectors etc?? 

A bodge (without DTI and timing light) would be to adjust dizzy by ear.


Its being a nightmare, if i unplug the blue temp sensor and time it up (advance by 5 degrees) it will idle but cut out when throttle is applied. Any ideas ? I need this done before tommorow!! :(


List out your current spec again and I can check it against the chip spec.


Also check that your current ECU is running a stock MAP sensor...


It is all VAG stamped so im assuming that its standard. could you give me a ring andy if your worried about people getting your number, I wont take up too much time but i really need this done :(


volvo t5 turbo
turbo specific cam - Unsure what make ?
ported and polished head
dewedged tb
250cc/min injectors

cant think of anything else ?

Also the oil pressure light if flashing with this chip ? its got plenty of oil in and it doesnt come on with the other chip


Chip won't affect oil pressure, or the light! Sounds more like setup issues to me. You've still got the standard full throttle switch from memory - that is plugged in to the right connector isn't it?!


yep all correct. the oil pressure isnt bothering me atm its why it wont time up. could you give me a quick call if you have a few minutes ? ill pm you my number, call on witheld if you wish.


Has the car been running fine and driveable 'til the chip was changed? Or have you had it apart to do other work and this is the first time you've tried it since?

If it cuts out whenever throttle's applied, and/or won't time up, then there's something fundamentally wrong. You said the MAP sensor was VAG stamped - that's strange, because they're not like that standard. Should have Bosch written on it and 200kPa. If the ECU has been modified to run a 250kPa MAP sensor that'll be why the car runs like a sack of shit with the new chip.

Does the car drive fine on the old chip, or are you simply comparing the ease of starting/idle between the two? Do you know what chip it originally had in it?

Running through the Digifant diagnostic guide on here in a methodical manner should pay dividends:

Also some Autodata info on the ECU here:

Before you do all that, please double check that the MAP sensor inside your ECU is standard, and that all the throttle switches and vacuum lines are plugged in correctly.


Yes it was running spot on, And ill take another look at the MAP sensor when i go down to the garage in a minute.

Had it to the rolling road today, The car wouldnt run properly at all with the PPP chip so had to switch to my old one, Not happy at all.

Loaded both binarys onto the computer and compared them, very radical differences in maps (Looking at a Hex graph). The guy at the rolling road said he hadnt seen 2 maps for the same car so different.

When my origional chip was put in, it timed up perfectly and was running sweet untill power drops off at 4.5k ?? Nothing to do with you but i thought id let you know.

I had high hopes for this chip, But at the moment im not happy at all.


Clearly for there to be so much difference there's something that doesn't match the chip spec. You'd be amazed at the differences between a 250cc injector binary and a 310cc one, or a 200kPa MAP sensor vs 250kPa MAP sensor.

I'd be checking MAP sensor, injectors (post the part number up here - but be aware there are some bored-out injectors in circulation just to confuse matters!) and fuel pressure to see they're all what you think they are. We can only match up the chip to the spec info we're given, and clearly in this case something doesn't add up!

If you're still stuck, you could post me your current chip to analyse which might shed some light on the differences.

When it was on the dyno with the PPP chip did you get an AFR plot?


The car wouldn't run well enough to put it on to do a full run with that chip.

Part no is 280150432.

I can't post the chip because I need it, ill be going back to the dyno later this week so ill get the binary if that will do ?