PPP Chip car wont start

Started by N1CKY, March 23, 2012, 03:05:33 PM

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Yep, a dump of the binary will help. Have you checked the MAP sensor is a 200kPa Bosch one?


Yeh I new I missed something off, yep completely standard.


Email us the binary of what runs and I'll take a look. Hopefully it'll shed some light on what's going on.

The car hasn't got an adjustable fuel pressure reg on it has it? And the idle and WOT switches are still standard?


Yeh its an ajustable vaccum controlled one, could this cause issues ? The current chip is dying at 4.5k rpm and it didn't used to


G40007 is designed for the stock fuel pressure regulator. Try a stock part and see how you get on. A lot of the aftermarket ones are rising rate, so alter the pressure differential between manifold pressure and atmosphere whereas it should remain constant. Also there's no guarantee what it's set to!

Could it be that the previous owner is using a standard chip and just used the adjustable FPR to sort of get it running?!


No we put the fuel pressure reg on, ill switch back to standard. And the chip isn't a standard one, its from a german tuning called s-tech (its stamped on the chip) and I forgot to mention the idle switch is standard. I can't see that making it as bad as it is.


Try it with a stock FPR for starters, especially if your 4.5k rpm issue only occurred after fitting it...


In the middle of doing that and a few other bits atm, ill let you know how I get on. Cheers (y)


Also stick up the part numbers from your MAP sensor, I want to check something.


Still no look with your chip, part no. for map sensor:

Bosch 1 267 632 015
200kPa 3540BE


Binary from the other chip will be helpful then. Get the dyno guy to email me the binary from our chip too, just to verify the EPROM data's not been corrupted.

Few more questions:
Is your ignition timing set to stock spec now?
How does it run on the S-tech chip now you've refitted the proper fuel pressure regulator? (Does it still choke up at 4.5k rpm?)
What does the car do with our chip installed? (Does it idle? How does it drive partial throttle vs full throttle?).
Have you got the ability to monitor air/fuel ratio with our chip installed?
What's your battery voltage read at the terminals with the engine running at idle?
What's your CO pot resistance set to?
Have you verified that the idle and WOT switches are switching correctly by measuring the resistance at the ECU pins?
Can you also verify which camshaft you've got installed? (Mark up the dizzy position so you don't have to reset ignition timing, and remove the dizzy. The end plate of the cam should be stamped with the manufacturer's marking. If it's blank remove the rocker cover to see if it's a VW cam.)


Yeh ill email both, Its booked in again for thurs evening.

Ignition timing is at stock spec yes,
It seems to run fine, But as the car has no tax or it isnt insured i cant test untill i get it back to the rolling road.
Your chip will idle lumpy but as soon as throttle is applied it cuts out.
No way of checking AFR unfortunatly.
The altanator is working fine but ill check voltage after work.
Ill also check CO pot. What roughly should it be reading ? will it be in ohms, k, meg?
Which pins are the idle and WOT switch ? And do i just check resistance between the two ?
And as previously stated the camshaft is aftermarket but it isnt stamped, Iv had it out a few times now to have a look. Iv even phoned the place down country who fitted it, (Reciept came with car) and they said it was customer supplied. So i have no way of knowing.


Resistance across pins 1 to 3 of the CO pot should be set to circa 550ohms as a baseline setting, however this should be properly set on a gas analyser. I'd note down the current setting and reset to 550ohms if it's different.

Info on checking idle (Closed-throttle switch) and WOT switch is here:

Any chance of some pics of the cam? VW items are always stamped inbetween the lobes with large letters, e.g. 030 with an AF underneath. Schrick cams are also marked up on the dizzy-drive end plate, and have nicely chamfered lobes. Piper are similar. Newman cams have a sharp edge on the lobes, and are usually hand engraved on the dizzy-drive end. Not sure about CatCams as I've never had one in my hands, but maybe someone on here can advise.


Ill take some pictures of the cam after work, You said check resistances of the WOT switch ? I can only find voltage ratings that i can check ? on idle, Part and full throttle. Either way ill check.



Found the problem at 4.5k RPM it wasn't the FPR or injectors, It was timing! Car wasnt happy 6deg advance at all, No idea why but we advanced it a little more, 8deg and it ran 189.3bhp! rather than the 118bhp on 6deg Fueling was a little lean on that run but its since been ajusted and running like a dream on the S-tec chip. So finally after we sorted that i figured we would try the PPP chip again. Still no luck, No throttle response and it wasnt working good at all. So please advise, I have the binary at home ill email it over the weekend.
