Author Topic: my black stielheck  (Read 68478 times)

Offline Thomas

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2011, 06:54:19 am »
Some new pics.

Offline breadman

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #61 on: March 25, 2011, 08:32:52 pm »
Really nice work on the exhaust manifold Thomas. 8)
I would of thought the rear anti roll bar will need bushing onto the rear axle? Those brackets will wear as the roll bar twists.
How about some nylon blocks similar to the Gladersiete ones used on the front? What car was the anti roll bar off?
Good progress Thomas.

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #62 on: March 26, 2011, 08:15:13 am »
The anit rollbar has got some bushings already, missing on the pics though.
The brackets dont grab the bar, just hold it gently to the rear beam, so the wear isn´t a problem.
Antirollbar from suzuki baleno front axle.

The track of the car is realy wide now so, i imagine the handling will be realy diffrent from the org. set up.
Any thoughts of what to do next?

sorry for the quality.....


Offline Thomas

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2011, 12:17:12 am »
ELMIA carshow 2011

 First I would like to begin by thanking all involved for your efforts so far, many thanks.
 The project is on the move again, and now i prepare to start the engine, an exciting event.
 Elmia was a clean hit, huge interest from the more party of visitors.
 80 000 visitors, plus the showcar exhibitures has seen, asked and wondered about the project more or less.

At least 1000pics was taken on the car.
Already on the first day reporters and photographers from the newspaper autosport was in place and asked questions and took pictures.

 Since the car is not entirely clear where in our spec then we agree that the repotage will be written in June with a first contact by the end of May.
 The idea on their part is a big repotage where they want to compare a polo G40 in, among others Superstage and possibly on the track.

 They would then have the entire development team in place for repotage shall be accorded the Court considers that it has.

 This project hit them by surprise in many ways, technology content, interior, engine the future widening and polish that they clearly said "Must" be made​​.
 We have got a few new suggestions for companies who wish to participate with their knowledge about the car.
 We have as first choice for setting the car when the IP pump "Dieselmeken" (George) is in the neighborhood.

 Although Civinco want to be a part and I have discussed i.e a water injection with them and a lot of interest shown by them to participation.
 The car is now ready for display in the Kinnekulle when Rally cross Championship final with a passuss whether to arrange this, 24sept is the date for this event.
 Now we will prepare the car for the widening and paint and after that adjust everything to the best of my ability.
Google trans.....sorry
 Here are some pictures from ELMIA!


Thomas Knutsson
Projektledare polo 250%
ordförande i

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #64 on: May 09, 2011, 06:27:55 am »
Niiiiiiiice, Thomas  8) Congratulations, I'm waiting for updates in this topic :)

Offline Jezza-7

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #65 on: May 13, 2011, 08:59:35 am »
Thomas, in what way did you modify the audi grille to fit? I have one and was going to do the same. Was thinking of doing it to get a better airflow through the engine in the hot weather.


Offline Thomas

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #66 on: May 13, 2011, 12:22:58 pm »
The upper part of the grill just have to be adjusted a bit to come closer to the front panel thats all. :)


Offline Thomas

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #67 on: May 28, 2011, 06:50:41 pm »
hi New pics
Comments please!


Offline Thomas

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #68 on: June 03, 2011, 05:19:15 pm »
Hi all!

Today is a happy day. 
Taken the car for a ride just now and i must say, jeeeesuuuus!!!!
It´s a f--ing beast!!

Earlier the car was more or less dead after 4000rpm but now its just going and going.
Pulling hard on every gear even the 5th.
Havent floored it yet, just hitting 1.6bar at the moment and i can say its fast as hell. 

Max is around 2bar.
Egt temp max 700deg C.
Oil temp max 90deg C.
Water temp 110deg C which is a bit to high i think.
But the tourqe is amazing.
To day i put in 5th gear in appr 150km/H before just 120km/h.

G40´s , look out!!

Have a issue with the water temp rising to 110deg fast but i guess my radiator needs a good cleaning out.

Video coming up soon, if there is any intrest in a special Diesel.


Offline breadman

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #69 on: June 03, 2011, 09:18:25 pm »
Hi Thomas,
I'd love to see another video of the car, nothing wrong with a torquey turbo diesel!
Sounds like very good progress Thomas.

Offline Thomas

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #70 on: June 23, 2011, 10:21:49 pm »
This update is something beyond the ordinary.
Now the pump is modified into a monster just for this engine.
You can read what is done and see a clip of the test run on the flow bench.
Many thanks to Göran "diesel mech" Lindgren.
************************************************** *****************************
OK, then it was time for the 2nd upgrade of the pump, Edition R

Do not miss the movie clip I have made for the sake of you readers, further down the topic.

The following was the first performance upgrade.
Replacing rotors 80-10 mm
Change the direction from right to left using wire EDM, among other things ;-)
Then the pump is delivering about 230% more fuel than stock, ended up on about 80 cc of fuel.

Edition R is reworked like this:
Modified RPM controller weights, it was not enough speed first round, now it will be sufficient.

LDA, cover with specially sharpened stick to get more fuel at full turbo boost pressure and eliminate smoke in large quantities, it will probably smoke a bit anyway, but not as bloody as before

Regulator Spring, changed from a separate idle spring into an integrated spring-in controller package (VAG 2.4 d)

Modified controller bridge for longer travel of LDA = more fuel around 100cc @ 1500 rpm
Test run of the bench and shot.

Movie Link here

Happy Midsummers eve wishes Göran "diesel mech" Lindgren
************************************************** ******************************


Offline Thomas

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #71 on: June 26, 2011, 09:45:59 am »
Hi there!
Is there anyone whos tried to modify the front arb, struts and subframe etc from the early audi 80 1980´ish to fit on polo.

Just want to know if there is a way of making the subframe from the audi to fit on polo.
There are some simularities geometry wise.

I also want the sterringkolumn to fit eventually, due to registration as amature built vehicle here in sweden.

Any ideas?


Offline Thomas

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #72 on: June 28, 2011, 06:31:25 am »
The car is currently in cut open and started widening.
Without saying too much I can say that the car in one place is 17cm wider / side. ;-)

Pictures will come when the car is ready.
Right now, work is underway in full swing, and i would of course keep you a little on the rack.

The IP pump smoked  "too much" without boost pressure and the rev´s a bit too low.
So what is Göran "dieselmech" has now done is to raise the rev´s to 6500-7000rpm.
Check out the link in previous message.
Now he has also "screwed" up the pump to 300%!!!!!! more fuel than stock.
started to hunt down a water methanol injectionsystem because I think we wil have an EGT that raises.

Becomes a bloody hecktic period around the start of week 29.

Everything should run smoothly until on Wednesday and test through as much as possible.
Because of the LDA, I will have to move the firewall approx 3cm back,rework the strut, etc.
A bit more work, but it we will get it sorted.


Offline breadman

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #73 on: June 28, 2011, 11:49:02 pm »
This is really turning into a massive project Thomas!
Keep us posted and good luck.

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Re: my black stielheck
« Reply #74 on: July 11, 2011, 08:29:47 am »
Now I come back.
I've lived in the garage this weekend.
Worked constant from Saturday 08.00 until Sunday 19.00 without sleep, when we really needed to be done.

We have set up some odd ideas about this project.
One of these was to do a metal widening on a car in a weekend:)
And that, without having done it before.
Can say that it went well!
Plus that we grinded and adjusted all dents etc

My early ideas with urquaattro etc was thrown in the bin and scrapped because I had a couple of new thoughts and ideas.
Finally Me and Martin had a  "new" way.
We take the hourglass broadening, racing, bergcup, DTM, and 90's design throw it  down in the blender and what do you get?
see in this sequence:

Work in progress!!!

Front wing with wheelarc extensions!

Blurred image, but an idea with wheelarc extensions.

Ready for transport, without wheelarc extensions.

I will add a pics rear wiew later ther you realy can se the total with over the "ass" :)
