blue temp sensor plug - how to rewire it

Started by vwmk3jon, July 13, 2010, 02:38:08 PM

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Wires on the loom are knackered and i need to re-wire the plug to get the car running again but i have no idea how.



what do you want to know?  How to reconnect snapped wires, how to put a new connector on the end of wires (needs a special crimping tool) or something else?  What exactly is knackered?


The wires have snapped right on the end of the plug so i cant join the wires back together. I'm just gonna nip to the scrappy and grab another plug with enough wiring to reconnect it to my loom.


you might also be able to push the pins out of the plug using a very small flat blade screwdriver.  Then solder the pins to the wire and push them back into the plug.