Author Topic: Miles Per Gallon. We all watch it!  (Read 961 times)

Offline Justin14100

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Miles Per Gallon. We all watch it!
« on: June 30, 2010, 06:35:45 pm »
Until my last tank my best was 33mpg's! i thought that was good but i dove like "a normal person" just sitting at the limits and not using boost very often. got 40mpg! dead pleased with that! Smells rich too, might be in for an engine rebuild in a few months so might get even more after that and a good service!

Worst was about 18-20MPG though with a broken lambda. Make me want to get a standard size toothed pulley made up for economy runs!
I know vw said they got 52mpg's at 56mph. anyone got close?
Know the turbo boys get decent amount cause the turbo doesnt waste as much energy!

Whats your best and worst, and engine spec?

R1 G-lader on toothies, GT inlet chipped up (not properly mapped)