Where I live in the summer becomes very hot temperatures around 36-39C and driving the G around in high traffic at low speed makes me see temperatures about 95-100C.
So I have decided to install new bigger water radiator. The ones with the holes in the left are only 700-720x320x32.
I think there is a way to put it a little bit on one side so it can fit in front of the charger. I have measured and maybe it will fit.
Have anybody done this ? Or, give some advice ?
Wierdo, i live in Greece, we also have high temperatures (40C+) in summer, but the water was never going more than 95C even i was stuck in trafic...
Try a colder thermostat and a colder fan swich...
When i instaled an oil cooler i never saw more than 92C...
Also try cleaning the radiator fins or replace the radiator with a new one but i don't think that you need a bigger one...
AND check if the fan kicks at 2nd speed...