Honey Badger - preferrably newly born

Started by jez1272gt, August 14, 2009, 09:50:37 AM

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As title reads really. I am after a honey badger to use as security in my garage to protect the G. I would prefer a young version as training needs to be got in early so it doesnt savage me or the G!





I want to see a fight between a honey badger and a tasmanian devil


D'you reckon they'd be into Badger Baiting in Africa ?


I'd like to see one tackle this rodent



Lmfao at the most random post of the year!!


i love the honey badger thats why i posted it the other day

i want one but would shit myself that it would turn on me and bite my balls. apparently honey badgers attack mens testicles


Quote from: Rae on August 18, 2009, 01:06:31 PM
Quote from: vwmk3jon on August 18, 2009, 12:58:50 PM
Lmfao at the most random post of the year!!
thats what i thought. think they were mentioned in a post somewhere on here thats why he put up a wanted ad.....

Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Mushroom Mushroom Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Mushroom Mushroom Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Mushroom Mushroom http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/badgers/

a snake, its a snake oooooh, its a snake........badger badger badger, badger............


That badger song was doing my head in  :D Thats more random than ever!