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Started by Martyng40, March 17, 2021, 06:08:18 PM

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Anybody on here bidding for the black g40 on eBay? Seriously good money it's going for £5400 with 3 hours left.


Actually..... is this for real anybody know this one...... as good as 12k!!!!!


well it's for real,  someone is really trying to sell it for that price. Whether it actually sells for anywhere near that is another thing. I wouldn't pay that, it would need to be concourse condition for that and it's no where near. They've not even bothered washing it properly, put some effort in!


That's serious money. Can't see it going for that money if it does I'll sell mines


Literally no chance of it selling for that. That other one that sold on bids for 5.4k looked a nice example, had a great registration plate too.


Yeah did look clean.... got me dreaming bout mines... same colour etc.... hopefully get it going this year although works manic with the 12 weeks off last year.


Quote from: Martyng40 on March 17, 2021, 10:19:40 PM

Actually..... is this for real anybody know this one...... as good as 12k!!!!!

That's actually my car.  I am the lawful owner and V5 is in my name.  It's currently with my solicitor to get car returned.  Obviously can't say too much as it is pre judicial but hopefully can resolve it pre-trial.   

I've only just recently purchased another G40 as I missed this car so much! It's a funny old world.


Oh right interesting.... assuming your not wanting to sell it for 12k then....
looks really clean tho


No mate, I want it back to keep it.

It's definitely not standard either, running about 180.

I think generally these g40s for something decent are about £6-7k worth these days.   The £10k is a bit of a psychological barrier.

The one that sold on eBay for £5,400 I thought looked a good honest car.   I think someone will have got themselves a bargain as it didn't seem to need much and had some good spares.


Yeah thinking that myself.... I'll be happy with mines running and looking good this year then maybe some shows in the future when Covid allows....


Would definitely be good to get to a show this year.   I might even be able to lend someone a g  ;D


Don't know if that will happen this year or not.. seen that carfest that Chris Evans does is advertising so maybe a chance


White noise and VW festival are on this year.   

I don't do face book but if the club want to get a few g's together for something this year I'd definitely be interested.   


Me either pal don't do social media...
I'd love to attend but need to get the g out and done up


Good luck with it mate.   I'm in the middle of a 1998 UK Subaru Impreza restore.  Money pit, costs have doubled and there isn't much wrong with it, but you can't cut corners.  Once that's done I'll get my current g in for a bit of TLC in the winter