Realistic prices for VW Polo G40's in the UK

Started by Jester, December 09, 2020, 01:50:46 PM

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bit of a random thread, I've been contemplating selling my G40 for a while now sadly..

I've had a browse on the Polo G40 FB page and prices seem to be much higher than before, amongst others currently on carandclassic/ebay/gumtree etc.. some have apparently fetched as high as £8750 with some other high milers asking 6-8.5k

I know this forum is quiet.. but realistically what should the price bracket be? I quite like to think mines a well looked after usable G40, but struggling to put a price on it.

Looking forward to anyone's opinions  ::)


Sorry to hear that fella.

As for price, yeah its really tricky at the moment. Yours is a very nice clean example that's obviously been well looked after, they are quite thin on the ground these days. At the moment I'd certainly be wanting north of £6k at the moment given recent prices.


My brother has said similar, I compare mine to his on some levels but yea it's very difficult. Appreciate your views on it though.



I think they're at the stage where originality and condition is key to getting a decent value, but if they're rotten or bodged then they can still be sub-£2k cars. An unmolested original car that's still solid has got to be worth £6k. I guess I'm saying the shit ones are still only worth breaking money, but the good ones are shooting up in value.


I'm considering selling one of mine, I just don't get the chance to drive them much any more. I too am struggling to come up with a reasonable price to ask without either giving it away or appearing to be taking the pi55. One is a little unusual, and one sports many modifications - making price comparison awkward.



Quote from: PeteG40 on December 14, 2020, 08:23:28 AM
You'll regret it like I did!!!

Ha, I already regret it and I ain't sold it yet!.. currently owning 3 cars and working from home indefinitely, I also simply don't have the space.

In an ideal world I'd keep it.



Got a mk1 polo which I honestly don't think I can let go. The other is an old Talbot campervan, guess the camper doesn't really count as a personal car, but still got to park it somewhere.


A rotten one on ebay sold for £3k - obvious hole near filler cap, faded roof paint

Two good ones sold recently for over £6k and £7k respectively.

I can't help but feel a keen owner who is on the likes of this forum with a solid decent car should be asking north of £7k.

I still think tasteful mods increase value, not necessarily proportional to the cost though.


I'll be selling mine soon
94 L reg
Grey G40
Stock and unmolested
88k miles

Will take some good pics once weather gets better!