Author Topic: URGENT wiring relay tank/gas burn and wiring disconnected behind cluster need he  (Read 2915 times)

Offline DerbyG40

  • Posts: 2
Hi !

I've a big problem and I hope find some answer here.

So I've move some part to see more and maybe touch something I'm not sure so I prefer ask you. As you can see in pictures. I've found a wiring free black/black-blue like that. It's possible it's connected to the second wiring brown with withe connector ? It's the only free I've found behind the clusters where I've work.

And second problem. When I start car, she's dies directly. I've don't listen the pump turning so I've check the relay. It's dead ( blue oxydation) but I've reconnected that instantly I've the connector burn. Just onne cable!  And after retry I've see the pin of relays it's done. He return inside the relay and I can listen some noise inside. But it's possible the relay dead instantly like that? Or it's the cable who I find disconnected?

Many thank for all

Offline DerbyG40

  • Posts: 2
Here the picture of the wiring free and the connector free.