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Earth strap

Started by Martyng40, April 02, 2020, 01:04:46 PM

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Would the earth strap from the charger to the chassis being frayed be enough to upset the running of the engine?


I forgot to connect mine up once after a charger swap and the car wouldn't start at all. If your other earths aren't brilliant it can make a lot of difference.


Cheers for that.... new one should arrive today..... say there's 10 strands to it... only about two left connected..I'm only needing it running enough to get it into the garage to get it all stripped down....Hopefully get engine out to respray the lot


good way to kill the ecu too

v important to have good earths on these


Thanks for that.
Put the new strap on it and it's still doing the same so decided to whip the front bumper off and used the work truck to pull it up the drive then rolled her in....