Author Topic: G40 ecu mapping, code readers, diagnostic output  (Read 7407 times)

Offline grungeisdead

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G40 ecu mapping, code readers, diagnostic output
« on: October 12, 2018, 01:53:42 pm »
Some of you may know that I’ve been messing about with digifant 1 mapping and learning about polo g40 ecus.

Thought I would share where I’ve got up to and what’s next.

First off, I got myself a TL866ii eeprom reader in order to read the 27c256 chip that is in the G40 ecu, which will save a 32kb bin file containing the map.

I use tunerpro which is available free to download, to view the bin, although it doesn’t mean much without an associated XDF file ( definition file which gives meaning to the tables found within the bin ). These need to be specific to the bin ( ie g60 and g40 have different Xdf’s )

The polo g40 xdf is openly available on the internet via ecuconnections forum but I can supply it if anyone is interested.

The above is all well and good to read an existing map, and to make changes however to apply these to the car requires burning to a chip, so this is where an emulator comes in. ( to save time, it’s not essential )

Moates in the US created an emulator called the ostrich v2.0, it’s available via h-tune in the uk for £199

This will plug directly into the ecu socket on the g40 ecu and allow to you connect to your laptop via USB. In this instance, we use tunerproRT ( real-time ) rather than tunerpro.

When you open a particular table ie fuelling or ignition, which are mapped via load sites ( rpm vs map value ), you can set address tracing and see which lookup value the ecu is referencing at any point. This makes it really easy to tune on the fly. Once you are happy with a map, you save the bin file and write it to a chip and voila one home mapped G40.

Additional you can purchase a 2timer switch from moates, and store 2 32kb maps on a 64kb chip ( 27sf512 eprom ), these maps are then switchable via a single wire which is grounded to access a different map.

A few of the g60 guy’s have been messing about with replacing the narrowband with a wideband input, launch control, elimination of digi lag and really interestingly rewriting the blink protocol for error codes, in order to read various memory banks to access parameters in the ecu.

There seems to be 3 variations I have seen so far

- KDA, a Russian guy who has written his own protocol and software which loads of different features but as it’s in Russian, it’s nails to understand
- Link to files via this thread :
- Dominik Gummel from digifant -onlineabstuning. This also includes an Android app as well as pc/Linux flavours. This is tasty as it shows map values, knock flag etc.
- Link -
- Open source logger supporting k-line with modified code
- DigifantTool by Rafal M. He has built a Bluetooth emulator and also has modified code to output ecu values to tunerpro via an ADX file and a modified bin
- Link -

I’m currently trying to get hold of a modified g40 stock bin from Dominik or Rafal in order to give this a play.

Offline NealPeal

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Re: G40 ecu mapping, code readers, diagnostic output
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2018, 02:16:10 pm »
Just the thread i was after many thanks indeed.!! if you can get a stock bin id love a  copy.!
blink protocol, id like to know more.!

We pulled a little chip holder out of Matt's, looks like it has an i2c  or jtag header on it, any ideas? Dyou kmow of the flash equivalent 27sf256, could it be a header for live tuning?

many many thanks!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 02:32:37 pm by NealPeal »

Offline grungeisdead

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Re: G40 ecu mapping, code readers, diagnostic output
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2018, 06:46:27 pm »
Blink protocol is for error codes I think, the vag service manuals cover it but claim you need a special tool. I found a load of vag self study programmes in pdf last night.

Listed here

Four in particular are of interest

G40 supercharger
G60 supercharger
Lambda probe and map sensor with digifant control and function

Will need translating but show sensor values, pin outs and control flows ( change 1 for 2,3,4 for further manuals )

79, 87, 103 & 110

Original bin can be had from this site, along with roms from lots of other motors

I’ve managed to get hold of a mk2 g40 ecu read

Offline grungeisdead

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Re: G40 ecu mapping, code readers, diagnostic output
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2018, 06:52:37 pm »
Get me a pic of the chip holder.

I pulled a jabbasport chipped ecu apart and it has a dimsport ( dimensione sport ) key6100 adaptor in it marked 27sf512.

I thought it might be a map switcher as it has 27sf512 stamped on it but it has a 27c256 chip fitted.

I’ve read the chip inside and outside of the holder. When it’s read inside the holder, it’s a 64kb bin and when split into 2 32kb segments, one matches the chip read outside the holder.
However looking at the chip contents, it looks garbage. Every other map load point on the fuelling table it near 0 meaning it was run fully lean on 8 of the 16 graphing points for the MAP value

I have read of a grautec aktiv adaptor used to boost the signal for data tracing in tunerpro, however I managed without it now, and seems to trace ok

Don’t think jabba are still going are they to ask? Couldn’t find too much on the net about dimsport bar a pdf listing my adaptor

Offline NealPeal

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Re: G40 ecu mapping, code readers, diagnostic output
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2018, 08:35:51 pm »
I think this is a very simple one time programmable PGA chip just setup to be a serial - programmer, for a flash chip...… But it came out a car where an e-prom was in it and it and chip never worked again after I touched it, but other chips do.! I'd love to know if shwarze-kat could talk to a chip over the 4 wire header using JTAG, or if it's an I2c interface (ponyProg or a modern MicroChip-Serial-programming kit)

Paul asked if there was any sign of any switches on it for bank-switching but the header wasn't soldered on at all, I stuck that on and tried to find lead I haven't seen for ages to try it, but didn't find it... Any info you can find I'd appreciate..!

All that going in a 25+ year old setup, there's 14pin Pics with more processing power.!

I bet this coud be persuaded to do a similar job, just talk to an SF EE-Prom and make it pretend..

Ok to call you Grungey for quickness mate?
NEAL :-) (Leicester)