I've got an eprom adapter of some kind out of Matt's ECU here.. The car runs on one chip without the adapter, that's an Eprom, I was hoping that it was an adapter to put EEProm's (flash 27SF256 or SFxxxx or whatever) in for instant erase and restarts... It has a 4pin plug on it I hope is just an I2C programming link... I've used PonyProg in the past to talk to the EEProms on early Samsung laser's to reset pagecounts and stuff but that was an RS232 lead with a zenner and a couple of resistors I'd be surprised if had anything with working com-ports on, maybe just a TTL FTDI'd do the same, I dont' know without trying..
https://www.ebay.com/itm/SST-27SF256-SST27SF256-256Kbit-FLASH-EEPROM-DIP28-X-10pcs-/160618753261 This'd be ideal, lots of programmers will talk to it. I've got the standard hex coming so it's worth a try I recon if I can do it for free, or get a programmer if it's 80% likely to work..
It could just be an addressing-adapter to get multiple selectable maps on one chip, but the FPGA on the board seems a bit of overkill... The idea of multiple maps on one chip seems like a real good idea!
Before I buy a proper serial programmer (Microchip(tm) do a nice kit) can anyone add anything to what Paul told me about switchable-maps... (Thanks :-) x 10^6 mate)… I don't think the 4pin header on it is a map switch because I had to solder the header on. Power, Gnd, SDA and SDC would be a the pins if it is I2C..
But I dunno, I talk a good guess but don't actually know...!
ALL MY BEST TO THE LEICESTER MASSIVE!!! Happy Holiday Matt, see soon!