Author Topic: DTA standalone - launch control  (Read 4921 times)

Offline vwmk3jon

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DTA standalone - launch control
« on: March 10, 2018, 12:01:53 am »
Trying to get my head around this standalone system, being the 1st time I've had experience of it. Came with launch control.. has a sensor that goes to an undriven wheel but what I can't understand is how it reads from this wheel. Joined the DTA  forum but it's like they're talking polish. Still running standard drums on the rear so can't use the a rear disc like previous owner did....

Cheers ;)

Offline ereeiz

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Re: DTA standalone - launch control
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2018, 01:40:13 pm »
It's a launch control kit that has 1 sensor for wheel speed?

That doesn't make sense to me.

You'd need a minimum of two sensors, surely? One for a driven wheel and one undriven (as a reference). Ideally three, one per front wheel and an undriven rear, but this would be pointless as there's no ABS function to grab the brake on the wheel that's rotating faster. I guess it just cuts ignition or something?

I read someone fitted ity years ago and loved it, never understood the need myself, just practice clutch control! ;)

Offline vwmk3jon

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Re: DTA standalone - launch control
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2018, 05:55:37 pm »
It's been wired into the loom and would rather install it 100% then cable tie it up and forget about it. I don't understand it at all to be honest and it's probably nothing clutch control and abit of handbrake won't solve.

Offline ereeiz

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Re: DTA standalone - launch control
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2018, 01:01:06 pm »
Do you have a copy of the wiring diagram or instructions?

Failing that, a specific make/model, may be able to find a guide online

Offline vwmk3jon

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Re: DTA standalone - launch control
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2018, 01:19:19 pm »
Nope. Just the loom. I've joined the DTA forum but it just went over my head. My main issue is understanding the sensor.... how it reads the revolutions of the wheel. I'd have thought you'd have had a sensor like a magnet on the wheel for it to read the measurements.

Offline ereeiz

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Re: DTA standalone - launch control
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2018, 12:57:52 pm »
Is it them?

Have you tried calling them on the phone or emailing them?

They're only in Leamington (I work in Gaydon about 10 miles away) so could pop by if you get no reply.

There must be a name on something, I'm imagining some kind of ECU is needed, they'll likely want to know exactly what model it is so they can help so I'd suggest writing all the numbers down off it. Or just take pics and upload them.

Offline vwmk3jon

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Re: DTA standalone - launch control
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2018, 05:17:53 pm »
Dug the ECU out the boxes of bits I've got. Never noticed before (not that I've looked) but there is a name and contact details of a guy on a sticker on it so I'll drop him an email and see what he says.