VW Festival 2017 - 11th-13th August - Harewood House, Leeds

Started by sjbvision, June 30, 2017, 11:00:07 AM

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Hi All,

After only seeing one G40 last year at the show is anyone else going this year?
It was on the Durham County Campers Stand on the Saturday and then in the show and shine on the Sunday.

If I can make it Ill be there for the Friday & Saturday.

So hopefully that'll be two!!


I tried to arrange a clubstand for this but didn't get any interest. I'm not sure the G40 is really the show car type.

My brother had his in the show last year on the Sunday though and I had mine in the show 2-3 years in a row. I'll probably just go down to have a look around this year.



We could take the ferry from Rotterdam on Friday evening August 11th.

Arriving at Harewood House on Saturday 12th at 9:30 am.

Showing our G40 during the day.

Sadly leaving at 17:00 and return back home.

Would this make sense?


We will attend the 2017 VW  festival at Harewood House, Leeds.

And we are happy to announce that our G40 will be one of the 250 preselected cars of the best vehicles for the Show and Shine Competition on Saturday 11th

We're looking forward to see at least some of you!


Hi All, Definatey taking my G40 and it'll be on the trade stand for Durham County Campers. Durham County Campers own car is off the road this year and it won't be there, but last year it was such a crowd puller they asked if I'd take mine. I'll be down only on the Fri and Sat, but Drop by grab a brew and hopefully we'll catch up with a couple of people.


Hello all,

I spoke to both sjbvison and KoenG40 at VWFestival. I am one of the organisers of the show. It was great to meet you both and talk about G40s.

Hopefully I will be able to have my conversion finished by the weekend as I am dying to drive it after hearing both of your cars. Would be great to see more G40s at shows!