fuel pump won't prime... manual switch???

Started by Craig g, November 12, 2012, 04:40:29 PM

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Craig g

I've just finished my g40 conversion and the fuel pump just won't prime I've search high and low for a solution but no luck tried new pump relay the lot :(, how could I co about wiring a manual switch off the battery to the pump??


Have you got the two pins near the coil the right way round? They look idential 3pin I think , was an issue that happed with mine.

Craig g

Well I have a 3 pin plug which has I think black brown and green wires going into it and this can either be plugged into the coil or there is another plug is can can into, I have it plugged into the coil, is this right?
I'm also using the part of the loom that plugs into the fuse box off the 1.0ltr I'm guessing this could be the problem?


there's a 3 pin plug on the coil itself and one right next to it.  One of the few plugs on the car that is actually possible to get the wrong way round.  If they're wrong it wont start, try swapping them round.


i had a similar problem, after some testing found out it was a poor earth.
Unsure to where the earth is for this but mine had a poor connection so added and extra earth under the seat on the lift pump

Craig g

Pretty sure I've got the 3 pin the right way around tried it bouth ways and nothing either way, spent a good amount of time cleaning all the earth but no luck,
starting to think that maybe my ecu is fried because I have no spark either?

Craig g

Just realised the relays don't click but everything will worked if there connected together manually ?
Also I think I may be missing a plug by the coil as I have one connection plugged into the coil and then a connector block on the side with nothing attached is this right or has some butcherd my loom at some point? I will take a picture tomorrow


what reg is your car? and what abotu the donor as L reg have a different bay loom

Craig g

My car is an L reg spi and the donor car is either a J or a K can't remember which



you'll have two coil like plugs by the coil - and you'll have a yellow plug near the heater on the L reg which was plugged into your old loom but isnt now?

Craig g

I have the 2 coil like plugs, but I only have a white plug spare near the heater has a white/yellow and a brown wire into it?

Craig g

In the hanyes wiring diagrams it shows a red/black wire from the ecu to the ignition switch for the g40 models but it doesn't show this for the spi models could this be my problem?


that sounds like the throttle body connector that you have next to the heater.  But it could also be the fog light loom connector,which is normally disconnected if you have no fog lights, it normally sits in the scuttle panel on the right hand side (as you look from the front).


Search my username.... The plug issues i had are mentioned.

Craig g

Think its the fog light plug.
Yh I followed your thread polomon and did the same thing with the 3pin and 5pin connector but still no luck :(, everything will work I.e fuel pump and spark if I pinish the relay together by hand... Ignition switch maybe?