Mk2 G40 Overhaul

Started by DaBigGinger, December 29, 2015, 03:46:53 PM

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I've decided to embark on a massive overhaul of my Mk2 G40 conversion. With the exception of the engine which has less than 10k on it since it was rebuilt, I'm intending on replacing all wearable components, restoring the car to factory condition and improving anything anything where reasonable along the way. I've already got some goodies aside for fitting later and have been slowly taking things apart,

So far, everything is disconnected from the engine except the radiator and drive shafts. I'll disconnect these soon and get the engine lifted out:

The previous owners of my house decided to build a room taking up a good chunk of the space of the double garage. I've been thinking about taking this down for a long time and decided now is the time to do this. Following a bit of work with a big hammer and crowbar, we now have this:

More to follow soon...


I could have swore your car was that light pea green kinda colour when we met about ten years ago. Has it been resprayed?


It's always been Jade green. It was resprayed in 2002, but in the original colour and that was before any other work was done to it! I nearly have my full work space to get cracking on this :D


Do you have any photos of your intercooler set up and how the slam panel looks with that section put back in? :) I have thought about doing something like a bolt on slam panel for easier access but what you've done seems a lot less hassle


The only pic I have with the cut-out only shows part of it:

It does make it nice and easy for getting the charger in and out and I'm quite sure the original Mk2 G40's had a removable section similar to mine; that's where I got the idea of doing it. The fit of the removable panel isn't of factory standard; one of the things I will be addressing in this overhaul is getting it to that level.

As for the intercooler, I don't have any pictures of it in situ and it has been removed now. To give you an idea of where it is, it sits just behind the trim on the front panel; if you take a look at the picture below, you can see it just below the number plate.

I did have to do a bit of cutting in the front of the car to give it somewhere to live and had some brackets made up. However, I won't really be able to take any meaningful pictures of the setup. The intercooler setup will be changing as part of this project as well, but it's a bridge I will cross a bit further down the line...


The car now has its new spot in the garage. All the wiring has been cleared, driveshafts and everything else disconnected and the bonnet is off. I hope to remove the engine over the Easter weekend.


So, took the engine out yesterday:

All done with the help of my lovely assistant :)


Now the engine is out of the car, I can leave that elsewhere whilst the I get the garage plastered and painted (I'm sure the excessively high humidity will not do it any good whilst it's drying out). Anyway, all plastered today. Will get painted once it's dried out...


Finished getting the garage nice. Got to crack on with the rest of the car now...


I've had a busy few weeks. The engine bay is now completely stripped. Removing the wiring was probably more work than the engine. Anyway, everything's all labelled up and put to one side now. 

I had to remove the rear axle to get the fuel tank out. It was a bit fiddly to remove, but I'm sure it's going to be 10 times worse to re-fit. The springs seem to have got themselves stuck to the body. A bit of violent persuasion will be needed at a later date to remove these I think...

This is likely to need a bit of work...

Chipping off the coating in the wheel well reveals a bit of tin worm. Hopefully it hasn't set in too far. I'll attack this with the wire brush soon to see how far it goes.

Unfortunately, one of the axle mounting bolts is completely stuck. I may have used a little too much threadlock when I installed this 11 years ago. It broke my extension when I tried to remove it. I might have to get that drilled out...

The floorpan looks fairly clean. I can see a little bit of rust in the seams, but nothing that looks particularly shocking. I can see a bit of crustiness underneath the plastic still trim. I'll take a closer look at that in the coming weeks.

I've started stripping the interior as well.