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My Arosa

Started by Ä‘uro, April 16, 2008, 02:49:52 PM

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This is my car.

8x14 Brock with 185x50x14 Dunlop 2000 lower for 12 cm nd it should look like on second pic




Here are some new pics.

Rims fm Porsche.  [attachment=89]
Also bot new tires Bridgestone 165/50/15  [attachment=90]
And last one - engine G40, not finished but running.  [attachment=91]  In this moment I don't hv new pic . with current status but will put new one
Also centre for the rimms   [attachment=95]
This porsche rimms hs ET52,3 I hd to put also faherzeug  [attachment=93] but tin a liittle bit


arosa G40, cant say i ever seen one?!?!!?

cant say i like the mesh grill thing, but i want more pics!


nice. be pretty rapid with the G in her and cos they weigh nothing


[quote pid=2548 author=DKnight date=1216391134]arosa G40, cant say i ever seen one?!?!!?

cant say i like the mesh grill thing, but i want more pics![/quote]

This is only one in Europe


Here are some new pics... It hs been finished.



It stayed like this one full day nd after that I want to do some changes.


I decide that all pipes will be made of Inox
also made MAF adaptor fm Inox. I managed to adjused plastic fuse with Inox adapter. 2 hours of work. And put can for oil

In the end on can my friend placed seat sign with acid. I thing it's nice done.

So now y. hv pics.  :o


I can't find electrical map for G40. PLS PLS PLS if somebody hs it pls send it to my mail:

i hv big problem with gasoline - car currently spends more than 20 litres nd i don't know why. Somebody said this is cos of Lambda sond. somebody cos of
vacuum return and storage of fuel. the problem is that arosa has resolved a refund through the electric pumps and g40 through vacuum  

If somebody know where is problem pls reply


As I told before I hv problem with gasoline. It spends more than 20 litters/100 km.(60 mph)

i hv few questions:

1.Blue sensor for the temperature of water is placed on the head engine, but I do not know where he is, so if someone could take a picture nd show me where it is

2. where is knock sensor placed? Pls send me some pic.

3. On how many Ohms must be sett CO sensor?


[quote pid=2823 author=Ä'uro date=1217505323]As I told before I hv problem with gasoline. It spends more than 20 litters/100 km.(60 mph)

i hv few questions:

1.Blue sensor for the temperature of water is placed on the head engine, but I do not know where he is, so if someone could take a picture nd show me where it is

2. where is knock sensor placed? Pls send me some pic.

3. On how many Ohms must be sett CO sensor?[/quote]

1.As you can see in picture the blue sensor is placed there:

2.Knoking sensor, is placed from the back side of the engine (where the starter is)

3.550 ohms, but i suggest you to get in a garage with gas analyser, and adjust it with accuracy

4.The lamda sensor you better change it, i had a lot fuel consuption but i've changed the lamda and it's ok...


Tks my friend for advice. Also can see that on exoust y. hv some king of pipe with rubber plug! What is it for? I'm asking y. coss asY can see I don't hv it


Here are smo new pics of my car. Engine is in it nd running like hell. For now IC was takenfm Mercedes LT nd it's huge - will change it

Here is the pic.


Thats a nice looking Engine Bay there A`uro.


Tks mate.

Hv a question: how can I fit blow off valve ?


I placed new exaust on my G.



new ic hs been mounted