Quarter Mile Times

Started by Karlos the jackyl, July 30, 2014, 05:10:05 PM

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Karlos the jackyl

Post your times here !

My quickest is  18.6!


14.2 is my best with road tyres, yet to use slicks.

Only ever done 7 successful runs.


14.9 standard engine  with 65mm pulley, s4 charger, standard injectors, standard cam and jabba filter.


Why not post yours Karlos...  ;)


13.5 @ at the pod on drag slicks.

14.2 @ at the pod on conti road tyres.



New PB for me today at VW Action, despite only getting 4 runs! Was ment to be VW's only but ended up being more other bloody cars.

another 14.2 with R888 this time, 2.43 60ft and 97mph. My last 14.2 was at 99mph.

finally broke into the 13's with 13.9 running slicks, 2.08 60ft and again 97mph. Think i had pressures a bit too low.

Need to experiment with tyre pressures as the car was drifting slightly near the end, could of been the head/cross winds though.


14.2 was also my best but im a lousy driver !! ;D


Got some new times, a month ago at a local drag day i ran 14.02 and last weekend at gti spring fest i ran a 13.7 but that was with a 24mph headwind gusting up to 40mph. Might of got quicker without the wind.


Well i got another quicker time, 13.5 now! Chasing that 12 second mark!


At my nearest dragstrip I got a 14.564 as a new personal best at 97.4mph.

Thats running A048 medium tyres. Traction is still an issue though. Need to get a cleaner launch.


If you go to vw festival on 4th ocotber your more than welcome to give my drag slicks a go.


Getting close with a 13.38 @ 101mph


With a new engine i ran a 12.87 at the weekend. Still learning how to launch a laggy turbo well! I see a 12.5/6 in future.