Author Topic: My GT-G40  (Read 124410 times)

Offline Alex

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Re: My GT-G40
« Reply #270 on: June 19, 2015, 07:39:56 pm »
Well, I haven't uploaded this in a while. I guess because I've reached an odd point in the build where it's sort of done, and I'm just tying up loose ends. This doesn't make for very interesting reading, though.
Since I last put a post up, it's had a few new bits. It turned out my old oilstat was sticking, so that's been replaced. I've also had a new clutch (I've gone back to standard), with a new rear engine mount, and replaced the wideband lambda probe which snuffed it on the way to North Wales last autumn. On a more annoying note, it picked up a melon-sized dent late last year while it was in the garage. Removing the dent has been a massive pain in the arse, but it's now done - and thankfully without requiring paint.
D'you know what? I don't feel the need to do much else to this now. It's pretty complete:

Genuinely very happy with how it's turned out. I definitely prefer the feel of a standard clutch and it's not struggling with the power - the Helix was always overkill in that department - and it's a very driveable car. Good solid power without smoking the front wheels, squeal-free cornering, reassuringly positive brakes and steering, comfortable seats, and the softer springs I fitted last year have really made a big difference. It's taken the edge off the ride quality without blunting the handling, basically it feels like the suspension can actually do what it's designed for, and I don't get any bonging noises when I'm manoeuvring into parking spaces.
When I started tinkering with it, years ago, I wanted to end up with a car which fits together like it came out of the factory like that, and that's where it is now. More power, more noise, more lows, they'd all ruin that.
The trouble is, driving this car is a solitary experience. Our car seat is ISOFIX only. So the miles I do are either just aimless driving, or for work. I've insured it for business use, which means I've been able to stand out like a sore thumb at press launches with the oldest car in the car park. It does seem to go down well with other journalists though.
This week I even had the chance to take it on a Volkswagen event, for the new Sharan. So it spent a day in the car park at the InFlite terminal at Stansted Airport - ordinarily home to the ground transport of people rich enough to get shuttled around on their own private jet. Hehe!

Volkswagen also won the 'cool as shit press kit' award for this solid aluminium memory stick:

Other than that, to be honest my most memorable drives this year have been in cars I doubt anyone else on here really cares about. This was very cool:

And I'll be driving a Polo GTI next week, which I'm really looking forward to. Generation gap performance Polo pictures to come, I'm sure.
I've also booked it in for something next Friday, which I never thought I'd do. But I'll explain all next week.

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Re: My GT-G40
« Reply #271 on: June 28, 2015, 06:24:59 pm »
Driving the new Polo GTI - so it would've been rude not to do this:

Offline Alex

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Re: My GT-G40
« Reply #272 on: August 25, 2015, 12:31:43 am »
Rocking ambers for the first time since 2001. Wasn't sure at first, but they're growing on me...

Offline samg40

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Re: My GT-G40
« Reply #273 on: August 25, 2015, 12:46:24 pm »
I put ambers back on mine a while ago. I've left em on, I like them.

How was RR?

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Re: My GT-G40
« Reply #274 on: April 22, 2017, 12:21:39 am »
After a quiet winter, what better a way to blow out all of the cobwebs than a track day?

I spent Thursday at Castle Combe, at a bring-your-own-car track day for motoring journalists, and man it's made me remember why I love this stupid little car. The weather wasn't ideal for the first few laps - on a fast track with hardly any run-off, that's an interesting way to learn the layout - but it dried up late morning and I got some hot laps in that afternoon which were amazing.

Interesting seeing how it fared since I downgraded the spec slightly too. Oil temperatures weren't too scary without the oil cooler - 95°C was the highest I saw - the clutch (now a standard one) didn't struggle, and I prefer the slight bit of roll I get on the front end with the soft springs. If anything, it seems to have made it grip better than it did before, you can really throw it into a corner and it just pulls itself out of the other side.

Mine wasn't the only G40 there, either:

Must use this car more often...

Offline Alex

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Re: My GT-G40
« Reply #275 on: September 25, 2018, 12:33:05 am »
Well, it's been a while. Figured I'd drop in and say hi.

The Polo is still here, obviously. Well, technically it's not as it's stashed in my parents' garage at the moment because we're having work done on the driveway and my garage is full of builders' tools. But I still have it. And, since my last update, I'm now a Dad of three. Because who needs sleep, and hobbies?

What's new? It's got boost return hoses for the first time:
42543B6D-86F5-4389-AE01-E8BD29146981 by alexgrantuk, on Flickr

This turned into a bit of a 'mare as I had most, but not all, of the required pipework and was missing the non-return valve that goes into the crankcase breather. Those weren't cheap to get hold of, but not too difficult to source via VW Heritage. And they're 100% worth every penny because I don't think it's ever run better than it does at the moment. I miss the hiss it made when changing gear, but it's smoother and seems quicker than it ever has. 

Ultimately that's the second most exciting thing fitted this year because... my eldest is no longer in ISOFIX seats. So he can go out in it with me, if I strap his booster into the passenger seat. This thing was my first car back when I was 17, it feels weird being a greying mid-30s Dad, taking my school-age son out in it. But he loves it.
Untitled by alexgrantuk, on Flickr

So much, in fact, that he seems to think it's his. He'll be signing up on here before I know it:
A9B29D8E-FE89-438C-AF13-3F9963E83569 by alexgrantuk, on Flickr

We've been to a couple of car meets in it this summer. It needs a proper polish and wax, but I don't know when I'll get the time to do that. Maybe when the kids leave home...
Untitled by alexgrantuk, on Flickr

Just as well he does like it, as we've outgrown our family car (the Renault), which throws up the need to convoy:
Untitled by alexgrantuk, on Flickr

Thankfully, though, I've been able to get my hands on this as a daily. It's a beast - 184bhp, 2.0 TDI with a DSG box and pretty much all the options. Not a bad steer, either:
5EBB691D-C1BB-46D1-AEAB-A0B50CB9D7D4 by alexgrantuk, on Flickr
This is better, though. Kept my car company for a few days. Good fun:
4E43956F-1771-4F29-A2AC-CB16F899E7D3 by alexgrantuk, on Flickr

B2A3AE38-CD33-489B-BB8A-FE630FE6DB9E by alexgrantuk, on Flickr

Up GTI was good fun as well. Not quite a complete hot hatch, but a giggle nonetheless.
Untitled by alexgrantuk, on Flickr

Not much else to report, really. It's just a good all-round day-to-day performance car. Quick, fairly frugal when you want, decent on a long journey, and becoming really quite unusual on the road. It gets quite a lot of attention these days, I guess because you just don't see them around. New tyres next...

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Re: My GT-G40
« Reply #276 on: September 26, 2018, 09:39:49 am »
Hi Alex, nice to hear from you again.  Polo is looking great!