So ivr had a quaife fitted for a while ever sonce I went turbo actualy, but I havnt driven the car in a while and went for a drive today and round corners its great but I find when accellerating hard in a straight line the diff tends to pull me all over the roaf in an unpredictable manner is this just caused by imperfect road surface and so the diff biases the torque to ond side then tbe other pulling me around?
Just wondering how people find theres in a straight line?could my wheel alignment be playing a roll woild I need more toe in to try and stablise it as it's kinda unerving when really going for it!
On a complete side note after driving nothing but campervans for the past 6 months the polo now feels like an f1 car it gets to triple digit figures soo quickly forgot how rapid this this was!!